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heads of state

“heads of state” is a raw confrontation with the leaders who fail us, exposing the damage they cause and the corruption they hide. inspired by the bold, confident portraits of politicians displayed in public spaces—images that make them appear saintly and trustworthy — i wanted to break through this illusion; tearing through the fake realities they’ve built. these portraits are often weapons of manipulation, projecting authority and integrity where there is none.

through photography and incorporating digital techniques, i recreate portraites of these presidents and prime ministers accross the world who lack the humanity and wisdom to lead. they are not real leaders; they are artificial, just like the false image they project. these leaders are impostors, holding power but lacking the qualities needed to govern with any care for the people.

the thousands of thousands of dots i’ve added to the prints cut through each image like scars. they are deliberate marks that hide the imperfections in the prints, much like corrupt leaders hide their flaws behind the facade of power. these dots are not just a way to cover up, but a way to force the viewer to see what’s beneath the surface—just like we must look beyond the lies of those in charge. the marks are a refusal to let them seem perfect, a reminder that their polished image is just that—an image. i’m showing them for what they truly are, with all their cracks and dirt exposed.

this work is about calling out those in power, revealing the truth behind the lies. it’s about forcing us to face the corruption that runs through the core of our leadership, and demanding a change.